Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Update - May 24, 2011

I was busy in the garden this past weekend.  I picked some radishes but it looks like there won't be anymore.  I thinking they are starting to bolt.
Mulched the string beans and the sunflowers.
Trimmed most every tree in the yard so I would stop having to duck or hit my head when cutting the grass.
Pulled out two nearly dead shrubs from alongside the house.
Waited until noon and cut the grass.
Started squash and eggplant seeds.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Notes for May 9, 2011

Saturday I used a borrowed plate tamper and flattened my clumpy topsoil that I placed last week.  Spread some grass seed and watered it.
Cut the grass in the front yard.
Planted a row of string beans.
Transplanted volunteer sunflower plants to a row where I want them.  Transplanted volunteer marigolds to flower pots for later planting.
On Sunday...
Cut the grass in the backyard.
Watered the front yard grass seed.
Transplanted a sunflower to replace a transplanted sunflower that didn't survive.
Transplanted more marigolds to flower pots.
Installed the fencing for cucumber vining.
Started 40 cucumber seeds.

Monday, May 2, 2011

May already?

I took good Friday off from work and caught up on the leaves areound the house.
Had some topsoil delivered on Saturday and moved it Saturday and Sunday.  Fairly sore today but I used a back support belt so I am not hurting just muscle soreness in my thighs.
Looks like the spinach this year is a total flop.  A total of five plants in four rows.  Time to plant a row of green beans anyway.  I also need to start the seeds for the cucumbers and the sunflowers.
Planted the easter flower bulbs.