Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Notes for November 20, 2007

No snow here, but they got a good shot about two hours north of here. We have been getting rain rather regular lately and my carrots are enjoying it. I put away the rain gage because some mornings have been down in the 20's. But tomorrow and Thanksgiving its forecasted to be in the 60's.

I cleaned up the veggie garden on Saturday. I pulled out all the tomato and pepper plants, shook off the dirt and tossed the plants on the lawn and mulched them up with the mower. Put all the clipping in the compost pile.

I picked the last of the radishes and I picked a few of the carrots. They were more like appetizers. They were only as big as a pinky finger to the first or second knuckle. I may still get a few spinach leaves.

I mulched and bagged all the leaves in my yard again and two of my compost piles are over flowing. My third pile can still take more. I call them compost piles but they are more like just ground up leaf piles that I will use for mulch next year. Although I do put other biodegradeables in one of the piles (such as the jack-o-lantern that was getting soft, and the water melon rinds back in late summer).

I did forget to do one thing this past weekend and that was to drain the garden hoses for winter. Maybe this weekend.

Happy and safe Thanksgiving to all.

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