Monday, June 23, 2008

Notes for June 23, 2008

Here is a picture of another Hosta.

I got a few hours yesterday (literally only a few hours). Went to church in the morning, got home at 1:30 and then went back for a farewell picnic for our associate pastor at 5 PM. But I think I made the most of it.

Watered everything, but I did it in stages (didn't want to have the pump straining to keep up since we've been lacking in rain, I know my well is fairly shallow or at least shallower than my comfort level).

Tied up my tomato plants (which is nearly a weekly thing from now until August). I would have to read my blog to remember when I did it last but I had about 18 inches of new growth since I tied them last.

When I first came out of the house, on my way across the yard I saw a hummingbird visiting the Bee Balm that is now in bloom (and that the primary reason I planted the Bee Balm). If you ever want to plant it, watch it, it spreads easily.

The cucumbers I planted last week are growing nicely so I mulched them and I transplanted the Cosmos seedlings along the inside of my veggie garden but I didn't mulch them. I want to give them a week to get their heads up.

My sunflowers are about three feet tall now and I adjusted them so that they are being supported by the twine I have strung between some posts just for them.

I also mulched some more of my flower beds, but I still have one more that really needs to be done but it has a bunch of new perennials that I am waiting for them to get a little bigger but I did weed that garden a little so it doesn't look too bad. While mulching the flower beds I came across a baby praying mantis. it was about an inch long. Friday night I was outside and noticed a toad in the yard.

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