Sunday, August 2, 2009


It's a jungle out there. Here is the path between the cukes on the right and the tomatoes on the left.

This is something new for me, I have peppers in August! This variety is called New Ace.

Here are my tomatoes getting ripe (Juliet). I thought they were a grape but they are more like a plum and very meaty.

On the left are two rows of green beans next to a row of lima beans, next to a row of peppers.

Here are the tomato plants. The stakes are 8 ft 1 x 2's, each driven into the ground about a foot and a half. Yes my plants are 6.5 ft tall. Saturday I picked the second picking of the second green beans, I picked 5 peppers, 10 cukes and 6 plum tomatoes. Sunday we had another round of storms. This time we got 1.7".


  1. Your veggie garden looks wonderful! No wonder you get such great green bean harvests..two whole rows! My three plants barely make enough for a meal(for 1)once a week..what was I thinking?! Love the red daylily blooms.
    Thanks for the pics, Dave :)

  2. Hi, Nice blog. We also have a Jersey garden, so I can sympathize with the amount of rain, and lack of heat that kept the tomatoes green, but things seem to be back to normal wise...what ever normal is these days.

  3. Your welcome Lynn.

    Nice to hear from you Susan.
