Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Notes for October 3, 2007

No we still haven't had any rain in a while. In the past week there was two chances and in each case it disappeared from the forecast the day before. Now its October and we're back in the 80's again. I don't think the next chance for rain is until next week.

I was thinking this morning that in the fall I dislike the lack of daylight in the evening. It forces me to become a weekend warrior in the garden. I don't get a chance to take care of the little things during the week and I have to do everything on the weekend.

In the town that I live in, we don't have leaf pick up. I've been mulching up my leaves and leaving them in place for the past several years. This year I am going to bag as much as I can to put in my compost piles that I use for mulch every Spring and Summer. Now that I have additional flower beds, I need more mulch. If I don't get as much as I want from my own yard. I may put an ad out that I want bags of leaves. My newest neighbor put out bags of leaves in the trash last year before he realized that they don't get picked up to go to the landfill. So I took them off his hands and mulched them up. This was especially helpful to me because the gypsy moths hit my yard hard last year and I had very little leaves. This year they sprayed for the moths and my yard was spared. However, I have lost several small to medium sized oaks to the carpenter ant (the trees were weakened by the moths last years, or so I suppose).

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