I wasn't going to work outside yesterday but I was seduced by the dark side (or should I say warm temperatures and bright sunlight?). It was such a beautiful day and all I did outside during the day was to hang a load of laundry on the clothesline. But by dinner time I felt guilty of not taking advantage of the weather and temperature. So after dinner I worked in the yard. First thing I did was to transplant two daisies from one flower bed where there are plenty of volunteers to a flower bed alongside the house where all of my perennials perished this winter (except for a few smaller volunteer daisies). Then I planted about 10 zinnias and 10 marigolds that I started from seed in this same garden and in front of the daisies. I wanted to plant cosmos behind all of these because they can get taller but they didn't sprout so well this year. I planted the marigold in front of the zinnias. Next I moved to one of my five flower beds that run along a fence. On the end of one of the flower beds I had planted a pincushion last year but it too perished this winter so I planted some left over marigolds in its place. Then I just continued down the flower bed weeding and mulching as I went. As I was weeding, it always comes to mind that weeding is great therapy. You can always be on autopilot pulling weeds while your mind is allowed to think of whatever is on your mind. Then when you start pulling the weeds out from under the Holly bush/tree then one has to pay more attention to the weeds or you get a handful of dried holly leaves along with those weeds. So I consider weeding therapy unless the weeds are under the Holly tree and could be considered penitence. |
Harvesting apples
5 months ago